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My New Standing Station

I recently inherited an Ergotron WorkFit-S stand/sit computer stand. I'm really liking it, and it is turning a lot of heads in the office. I added the optional swing arm attachment so that I could more easily share my monitor with people that walk into my office.

Ergotron Workfit-S Dual Sit-Stand Workstation 33-341-200 (Google Affiliate Ad)

It lets me slide my computer up for standing, or slide it down so I can sit. I've been wanting to stand more at work for a while, but I haven't been able to find a good way to switch between standing and sitting. This stand seems to be fitting the bill pretty well.

Even better would be a whole desk surface that smoothly raises and lowers. There is a really nice line of tables from Steelcase in their Airtouch line, but they are more than twice the cost of this solution from Ergotron. Those Airtouch desks are nice because you can instantly raise and lower the desk rather that waiting for a slow electric screw mechanism that is common and "ADA" desks.


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